What motivates us?
The disposal challenge faced by the desalination industry

There are over 17,000 operational desalination plants around the world. As drought conditions and water insecurities are projected to increase in the future, many regions opt to turn their attention to building even more desalination facilities.
One of the potential drawbacks of this technology is the need for disposal of the salty brine. This can either pose an environmental challenge or in many cases it is simply an expensive side effect of the process.

At Waste Salt Technologies our goal is to collect this waste material, minimally process it, and put it to good use; therefore, avoiding its disposal into the environment. This can significantly benefit the water desalination industry since in many regions their expansion is severely limited due to environmental concerns.
The growing demand for low-cost energy storage solutions

50% of all the energy is used for some kind of heating application. In the industrial sector this can reach even as high as 72%
Currently, energy sources for heat generation are largely dominated by fossil fuels​​. Thermal storage batteries will allow for the use of intermittent energy sources as well.​​
Future power grids will highly rely on renewable energy sources which are inherently intermittent​
TES (Thermal Energy Storage) helps bridge the mismatch between when energy is available and when demand is present​​
Energy demands in the commercial, industrial, utility, and residential sectors vary on a daily, weekly, and seasonal basis. TES batteries can smooth out the mismatch between energy production and energy demand curves. ​


At Waste Salt Technologies our goal is to provide a true low-cost thermal energy storage solution for the market which will facilitate the stabilization of energy grids, and be an invaluable tool for the decarbonization of process heat.
Energy Security and Price Stability

A nation's economic vitality and technological leadership are deeply intertwined with its energy sector. Due to the inherent uncertainty surrounding future energy availability, demand, and pricing, a diverse portfolio of energy technologies is crucial to ensure future energy needs are met. Moreover, these technologies must prioritize energy security, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) exemplifies such a technology, as it significantly decreases overall energy consumption, thereby conserving domestic fossil fuel reserves and minimizing reliance on costly oil imports.